The Da Vinci Code: Dan Brown

Having seen this being read everywhere on the tube I decided to take the plunge. This is a great book for me to read of holiday. Its compelling enough to set off my addictive reading thing (I finished it in six hours). Raises a bunch of questions too: I alarmingly found myself not being too bothered if Jesus was married or not: though I have to say some of the conspiracy stuff was a bit out there. The issue is that Brown takes some well worn half truths and twists them, so that you can't tell what is true and what isn't. He's actually pretty clever in integrating little twists so that average Joe Punter wouldn't tell that its not true. I understand why its courted so much controversy- and it is a great read. Its just interesting that it can provoke more deep conversation than reading the Bible on a train.

Oh, and the end. Cliché! Dan: go and watch Lost in Translation before writing any kind of love thing into a book EVER!


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