The Righteous Men: Sam Bourne

Its trendy at the moment to write books which portray the church (whether the church RC for Dan Brown, or the church Mid West for Sam Bourne) as an evil power broking insttitution prepared to kill to get its own way! It is also trendy to write about it very badly!

And so why oh why did I manage to eat through this book in a day! Well its just about compelling enough to get you there.. And if you go fast enough you don't find yourself choking over the appallingly cheesy naff writing. Of which there was plenty!

Its a good tube read (as is Brown).. and if you, like me, ever fancy having a go at writing a novel, its encouraging to know that you don't have to get far beyond GCSE English to get published.. though if you have to slag off the church to do it maybe I'm not so keen!


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