Don't Think Of An Elephant: George Lakoff

This book was much enthused about by a friend of mine. In it progressive Lakoff talks about how in The US the conservatives have managed to take hold of language in such a way that its difficult for anyone who is not a conservative to have a say which doesn't sound rubbish. He calls it framing. The idea being that when you say things like 'tax relief' you create an impression that tax cuts are good for everyone etc..

HE goes on to say that the liberals/ progressives need to do the same. They need to start talking in ways that people identify with at a very deep level.

Its alright as a book. I disagree a little, cos at the end of the day he still wants to win in a very worldly way. He also thinks that all religions should just get along and work together, and that you can have truly progressive values outside of a faith based concept..

But its interesting.


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