Come Thirsty: Max Lucado

I confess. I only bought this to be a church swot. We're following the book as the Lent Series at church. But, that said, it is worth a read. I think one of the perils of reading it as part of the hundred is that I have gone through it pretty quickly. It probably deserves to be worked through with the study material (which is actually VERY well put together!). But to the book itself. Max Lucado writes in pictures. Excessively so at some points druing the early chapters. But if you make it through that you get to some really good stuff. I'm not sure I entriely agree with him on a couple of things (especially the bit that says that all of our bad experiences are to good.. just not sure its that black and white). But he's good.

I think take your time with this one.. get over the cheese and let it sink in.


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