Paula: My Story So Far: Paula Radcliffe

The blurb on the back of this book is all about Paula being agreat athlete and all that. It even includes the Dailiy Mail's "Britain's greatest ever woman athlete" (which I'm sure they saida bout Kelly Holmes too). Good as these things are, the fact that they are on the back of the book should betray the fact that although a great runner, Paula is not a great writer.

Now, I'm not the most linear person in the world, but this book is just a bit confusing sometimes. It kind of flits all over the place.. I get the impression that it was put together almost by a series of interviews and no-one bothered to link then very well. (I guess the pressure of getting the book out soon after the Olympics took its toll).

However, as an insight into the life if an athlete its great... and a bit gross. Hernias, incontinence, fluid, jabs, tears, deep friction.. all a bit vomit inducing (oh and there's vomit in there too). Aside from the grossness, I'm left with the feeling that maybe success comes at the price of not being able to laugh at yourself. Glad I read it- glad I don't do what she does...


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