Five People You Meet In Heaven: Mitch Alsom

I read Tuesdays With Morrie just last week, and in reading the Five People You Meet in Heaven you kind of get the impression that Mitch Albom really was quite profoundly affected by the story and the writing around that. This is a warm (if a little twee) look at how our lives are all essentially interconnected. If you have seen the film Pay It Forward then this is not so dissimilar.

The story focuses around the guy Eddie, who dies and then goes on to meet five people who show him somehow all the unanswered things in his life. I can’t work out if its quite into karma as a concept or if it somehow has a wider thing going on. Albom talks about praying a lot, about God a bit, but is utterly 21st century and refuses to advocate any kind of formal religion or faith. All slightly odd really.

Worth a read. I think with a little more pondering I could get to really love this.


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